Janz International Foundation

Our Global Impact

The Janz International Foundation is making a significant difference in the lives of veterans and families affected by war. Our initiatives span across various areas, focusing on sustainable, long-term assistance.

Veteran's & Children's Initiatives

  • Logistics Support

    Providing transportation for patients, families, and staff at the Ukrainian National State Medical and Social Centre for War Veterans.

  • Rehabilitation

    Training medical personnel and supplying necessary equipment for the rehabilitation of war-related amputees.

  • Palliative Care

    Supporting veterans with incurable conditions, ensuring they receive necessary care and dignity.

  • Mental Health Support

    Creating safe camps where children can find respite, play, and receive support away from the harsh realities of war.

  • Rehabilitation for Disabled Children

    Funding rehabilitation programs to help children who need prosthetics and specialized medical care.

  • Medical and Pharmaceutical Supplies

    Providing medical products and arranging donations of essential medications for pain management and mental health support.

Success Stories

Veteran Rehabilitation

"Thanks to the Janz International Foundation, my family was supported in France while I was in intensive care being treated for my injuries on the battlefield. JIF provided us with an apartment and a food allowance so my wife, mother and son could be near me."

- Nikita, Ukrainian Veteran

Children's Mental Health

"JIF helped my family leave Kharkiv early in the war…providing transportation for my me and my mother to Germany and eventually to the US to be with my older sister."

- 8 year old Child and Mother

Medical Supplies

"When the war began, Janz came to visit our Ukrainian Catholic Church in Munich to donate critical medical supplies for the front line including tourniquets, blood clotting materials and battery powered IV monitors."

- Roman, Ukrainian living in Germany

Medical Supplies

"JIF assisted my foundation with sourcing and packaging medical kits for Ukrainian medics and EMS. We shipped over $1 million dollars worth of life saving equipment into Ukraine."

- Retired U.S. General, Ohio USA